Campaign for Prison Phone Justice

The "Campaign for Prison Phone Justice" is challenging prison phone kickbacks and the U.S. Prison Telephone Industry.

FCC Field Hearing Attempts to Focus Prison Phone Conversation on Contraband CellPhones

Apr 5, 2016 | by admin

After voting against comprehensive reform of the prison telephone industry, FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai is turning his focus to contraband cellphones in correctional facilities.

Commissioner Ajit Pai voted against comprehensive reform of the prison phone industry and is now focusing on contraband cellphones in correctional facilities in an attempt to change the issue.  Contraband cellphone usage is directly related to the exorbitant rates and fees prisoners and their families must pay to stay in touch during times of incarceration.  Commissioner Pai is holding a Field Hearing on April 4, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time in Columbia, South Carolina.  The event is being hosted by Governor Nikki Haley.

Questions from the Human Rights Defense Center for tomorrow’s panelists regarding this issue can be found here:;ECFSSESSION=HR3tXGsfspf6k4DJq9cnnsGr3w1lWdWVyG48pX8l1GfvRLT0GmS6!-322446565!634993814?id=60001568427

These questions are relevent if this issue is truly to be considered.

Get Involved!  Watch the hearing at 2:00 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday 4/6/16 – Livestreamed at: