Decarcerate Illinois

We call on Illinois lawmakers to take a realistic view of what community safety means and how to achieve it. Our current systems have been failing individuals, families, and communities for generations. The needs of survivors are not being met and the current system disrespects and harms accused and convicted people, making them and their families unsafe. We can no longer condone the harms of our current laws and allow them to continue to separate families and perpetuate harm for generations. Let's act!

From commitment to action! Please support bills that offer a truly progressive step forward in ending our reliance on carceral policies and toward proven policies for community safety for all.


Fast action! PROPONENT of HB3224 by Thursday March 20 8:30 AM

Mar 3, 2014 | by admin

√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! HB3224 eliminates the mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years of probation for minors convicted of forcible felonies.

The evidence is clear that mandatory minimums are counterproductive. HB3224 restores discretion to juvenile courts when sentencing minors convicted of forcible felonies to probation. Right now, all minors convicted of forcible felonies must be sentenced to 5 years of probation, regardless of their individual circumstances. HB3224 will allow judges to consider whether a sentence that long makes sense for each minor.

Follow these easy steps to submit a witness slip as a proponent of HB3224 by 8:30 a.m. Thursday March 20:

1. Click here

2. Fill out your name, address, and phone number.  For “Firm/Business or Agency” put “none.”

3. In Section II, you can put the name of any organization you represent or Decarcerate Illinois or just “none.”

4. Select “Proponent”

5. Select “Record of Appearance Only”

6. Enter the number it shows in the box and agree to the terms and click “Create(Slip).” You did it!