Decarcerate Illinois

We call on Illinois lawmakers to take a realistic view of what community safety means and how to achieve it. Our current systems have been failing individuals, families, and communities for generations. The needs of survivors are not being met and the current system disrespects and harms accused and convicted people, making them and their families unsafe. We can no longer condone the harms of our current laws and allow them to continue to separate families and perpetuate harm for generations. Let's act!

From commitment to action! Please support bills that offer a truly progressive step forward in ending our reliance on carceral policies and toward proven policies for community safety for all.


Sat, March 23: First Meeting of NEW House Restorative Justice Committee!

Mar 8, 2013 | by admin

√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! Come to the Town Hall Restorative Justice meeting and tell legislators why you support transformative justice.

The Restorative Justice Committee is the first of its kind for the Illinois General Assembly and we hope that you will attend the very first event, the Town Hall Restorative Justice meeting.

WHEN: Saturday, March 23 at 200pm
WHERE: The Corboy Law Center, 33 E. Pearson Street, Loyola University, Room 1303, Chicago IL 60607

As many of you know, restorative justice requires us to advocate for a system that considers helping victims and communities become whole again while holding offenders accountable in the wake of their crime, but also working to ensure that ex-offenders or returning citizens, both juveniles and adults, are successfully rehabilitated to live in our neighborhoods. For far too long our justice system has focused on punishment with little thought given to what happens to our families and communities when we fail to examine how actions are criminalize, whether sentences are being administered fairly, and what methods we have in place to ensure that rehabilitated returning citizens can move on with their lives once they have served their sentences.

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