√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! Oppose SB3383: implements overly punitive measures against people convicted of sex offenses.
SB3383 imposes even more stringent requirements on those convicted/adjudicated for sex offenses (including misdemeanor offenses). SB3383 also adds offenses (including misdemeanor sex offenses), lengthens the amount of time juvenile and adult sex offenders have to register, and expands current juvenile registration requirements to treat juveniles like adults, contravening a growing body of research that shows registry of youth does not enhance public safety; it may actually harm victims of sexual abuse and increase risks for future offending. We need to stand strong against such unnecessarily punitive measures. Tell your representatives you are an OPPONENT of SB3383 with your witness slip:
1. Click here
2. Fill out your name, address, and phone number. For “Firm/Business or Agency” put “none.”
3. In Section II, you can put the name of any organization you represent or Decarcerate Illinois or just “none.”
4. Select “Opponent”
5. Select “Record of Appearance Only”
6. Enter the number it shows in the box and agree to the terms and click “Create(Slip).” Thank you!