Arkansas Cure

Arkansas CURE works to promote rehabilitation for the benefit of the community as a whole, and of the incarcerated individual through meaningful criminal justice reform by advocating for meaningful change through the legislative process.

Arkansas CURE is one of many organizations that is networking resources and leveraging ideas into tangible benefits for all.


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Aug 17, 2014 | by admin

Should building a Prison be considered a business? Just like a new restaurant or grocery store in town. Are we forgetting that these are men and women, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a husband, a wife and someones child… not a loaf of bread.

Do we need to stop looking at prisons as a business and find legitimate ways to grow our economy? The touting of how much a prison will help the local economy is being widely advertised. If a community becomes dependent on prisons to support their existence and the prison closes does the community die?  If so, does the community then fight to grow the prisons so they can grow their community?