As of March 17, 2016 all prisons, jails and detention facilities will need to lower their rates according to the FCC’s rules.

The Federal Communications Commission’s has ordered lower prison phones rates triggering a 90-day window for the rules to take effect. As of March 17, 2016 all prisons, jails and detention facilities will need to lower their rates according to the FCC’s rules. The new rates will be capped at 11 cents for state and federal prisons, 14 cents for large jails and 22 cents for smaller jails.
The prison telephone companies have 10 days to challenge the FCC’s rules in court. These corporations have indicated their intent to sue the FCC and could prevent some or all of the rules from taking effect until after the lawsuit ends. The court may also allow the rules to go into effect while considering the lawsuit. The Center for Media Justice alongside the D.C. Prisoner’s Rights Project, Human Rights Defense Center, and a set of impacted family members are prepared to file a motion to intervene in support of the FCC’s order. Media Action Grassroots Network