Decarcerate Illinois

We call on Illinois lawmakers to take a realistic view of what community safety means and how to achieve it. Our current systems have been failing individuals, families, and communities for generations. The needs of survivors are not being met and the current system disrespects and harms accused and convicted people, making them and their families unsafe. We can no longer condone the harms of our current laws and allow them to continue to separate families and perpetuate harm for generations. Let's act!

From commitment to action! Please support bills that offer a truly progressive step forward in ending our reliance on carceral policies and toward proven policies for community safety for all.


Fast Action! PROPONENT of HB4084 by Tuesday April 1 10:00 a.m.

Mar 31, 2014 | by admin

√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! HB4084 automatically expunges juvenile arrest records.

HB4084 will break down the barriers to opportunity by requiring the state to automatically clear juvenile arrest records if (1) the individual has turned 18, (2) the minor was arrested and no charges were filed with the court, and (3) at least 6 months have passed since the arrest and there have been no other arrests during that period. Having a single juvenile arrest can impact the ability for youth to obtain an education, scholarships, employment, and service opportunities later on in life.  Though Illinois law allows the expungement of certain offenses, there are many logistical barriers that make it difficult to complete the process, particularly for those who lack resources to hire a trained advocate. Despite more than 21,000 youth arrests in 2013, only about 400 people were able to navigate the complicated process to have their juvenile records expunged. By automatically expunging juvenile records, HB4084 removes unnecessary barriers that stand in the way of success and productivity for young people.

Sign the slip below as a PROPONENT of HB4084. This must be done BEFORE 10:00am on Tuesday April 1. If you can support the bill as an organization, please do. Please spread the word.

Tell the Judiciary Committee that you are a PROPONENT of HB4084 with your witness slip:

1. Click here

2. Fill out your name, address, and phone number.  Fill out your “Firm/Business or Agency” if you wish OR write “none.”

3. In Section II, you can write “self” OR the name of any organization that you represent.

4. Select “Proponent”

5. Select “Record of Appearance Only”

6. Enter the number it shows in the box, agree to the terms, and click “Create(Slip).”  Thank you!


Next, click this link and sign the petition to ensure every youth in Chicago has a fair shot at success.


Please also place a brief call to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee to register your support:

Representative Elaine Nekritz (D)
57th District
Assistant Majority Leader

Chair: House Judiciary Committee

Springfield Office: (217) 558-1004


Representative Ann Williams (D)
11th District

Vice Chair: House Judiciary Committee

Springfield Office: (217) 782-2458