√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! SB3012 ensures legal counsel to minors interrogated in custody
SB3012 provides an important safeguard for minors, who we have the duty to protect. SB3012 provides that a statement made by a minor who is interrogated in custody is presumed to be inadmissible as evidence in court unless the minor has access to a lawyer throughout the entire interrogation. This common sense bill ensures that minors will be provided with lawyers at the most crucial times. Follow these easy steps to submit a witness slip as a proponent of SB3012 by 8:30 a.m. Thursday March 20:
1. Click here
2. Fill out your name, address, and phone number. For “Firm/Business or Agency” put “none.”
3. In Section II, you can put the name of any organization you represent or Decarcerate Illinois or just “none.”
4. Select “Proponent”
5. Select “Record of Appearance Only”
6. Enter the number it shows in the box and agree to the terms and click “Create(Slip).” Thank you!