Check out this post by Raphael Sperry, president of Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility, on the violence inherent in the design of Thomson Correctional Center
See it here: http://designandviolence.moma.org/thomson-correctional-center-illinois-department-of-corrections/
Thomson’s planned conversion into a Federal supermaximum security prison raises the prospect of extended solitary confinement for hundreds of men, as at the infamous ADX Florence. There, the response to the putatively most violent prisoners—but more often the most despised, for whatever reason—takes the form of sensory deprivation and social isolation. The outcome is frequent mental breakdowns, psychosis, and suicide. The ability to withstand isolation varies among individuals, but the effects are ultimately just as violent as other internationally condemned human rights violations (which is why I am leading a campaign to prohibit the design of spaces intended for prolonged solitary confinement).
Thomson, much like Tamms, dehumanizes inmates by its very design.