From the Chicago Alliance Against Racial and Political Repression: We ask that all our sisters and brothers in the various strands of the people’s movement join together, May 16-17, 2014 in having this historic National Forum on Police Crimes. This forum will build a multi-racial, multi-national, and multi-cultural broad-based movement as a precursor to united democratic action. Our focus on united actions will defend and extend our democratic rights to organize, protest and bring power back to We The People!!
Full details: https://www.facebook.com/events/610502479023920/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Forum Agenda: http://naarpr.org/national-forum-police-crimes-tentative-agenda/
Register: http://naarpr.org/national-forum-police-crimes/
Read the full call: http://naarpr.org/save-date-national-forum-police-crimes-angela-davis/
Host Committee: http://naarpr.org/national-forum-police-crimes-host-committee/