Here are five things you can do today to help build the #PrisonEcology movement and the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons

Here are five things you can do today to help build the #PrisonEcology movement and the Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons:
1. If you haven’t already invited your networks via social media to the Convergence Against Toxic Prisons in D.C. June 11 – 13, please do.
2. If you haven’t donated/shared this convergence fundraising link, please do this too… Even if you just kick in $5 or $10 bucks… These things do a lot better once there is momentum behind them. The more people contributing, the more people who want to contribute.
3. Are you part of an org that can endorse the Convergence Against Toxic Prisons? (meaning help with outreach, funding, etc. in exchange for getting your groups name/link out there via the website.) Check out who’s in so far.
4. Some big news this week in the Letcher County fight—there is a new strong local voice speaking out against the prison, and, thanks to our comments, the BOP announced on April 1st that it was forced to reopen a 30-day comment period on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS.) Circulate this link about that to gather support and also to help drive traffic to the June 11 D.C. convergence website.
5. You can send off a letter to the BOP on this Revised EIS quick-and-easy with this link telling them you still aren’t buying the need for this new prison.
Lastly, If you are interested in joining a listserve and/or conference call on planning for the Convergence Against Toxic Prisons, June 11 – 13, please email FightToxicPrisons [at] for details.