Over 500 men and women impacted by the criminal justice system marched at the State Capitol in Austin, Texas to demand change. Josh Gravens from Texas Cure, summed it up with the inspirational words, “We the formerly incarcerated and our families will stand shoulder to shoulder, there will be no more looking to others to fight for us, we will fight for change ourselves!”

Last Friday, November 7th, over 500 men and women from all over Texas attended the Texas Families for Justice Rally at the State Capitol and advocated to legislators’ on behalf of the 150,000 incarcerated individuals and their loved ones ensnared by the prison system.
“We stand united with families across Texas and beyond, against laws and policies that ostracize and dehumanize entire families. What now exists is a class of individuals that have been demonized and treated in such a way that a meaningful reintegration into society is impossible,” said Mary Sue Molnar of Texas Voices for Reason and Justice.
We ask that you continue to stand with these families in their action to make legislators’ not only recognize the existence of their incarcerated loved ones but to address the urgency of the situation with policy changes.
Share your personal story on how the criminal justice system has affected your life.
Add your name and encourage others to sign onto the Texas Families for Justice petition demanding an end to practices and policies that destroy individuals, families, and communities.
Family members shared their experiences in the halls of the State Capitol, requesting legislators take action on unfair sentences, deplorable prison conditions, and lifting barriers to housing and jobs. The large-scale Texas Families for Justice demonstration was an accumulation of the frustration felt by a governing body that has misplaced its priorities.
“Each of the approximately 150,000 individuals locked up in state prison is a crucial member of a family unit: a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister. Families bear the emotional, social and financial burden of their loved ones’ incarcerations and now we are demanding they be heard,” said Steve Huerta of All of us or None Texas.
Texas families will continue to escalate their actions until their demands are met. November 7th is just the tip of the iceberg. While hundreds stormed the Capitol Building with their personal testimonies, at least 200 individuals in Texas prisons fasted in solidarity.
Just wait to see what happens next if the Texas legislature fails to act. Help us drive the point home by sharing your story and signing onto the petition.