As the current 2014 General Assembly comes to a close, RIHD, PAFERJ, MJT are continuing it’s advocacy to educate and gather public support for “fair and commonsense” laws. We need your help, we need everyone to be proactive in letting their district legislators know you support said “positions” Feel free to clip, paste or print and share with others, especially those directly affected. Thank you for your continued support.

R.I.H.D., 2015 Legislative Advocacy
“Reducing Crime, Reducing Recidivism” – Here’s How!
1. Non-discrimination Reinstate Parole Eligibility
Retroactive to all eligible persons sentenced/incarcerated on/after January 1, 1995
With earned sentence credit allowance for participation/completion of literacy, education, therapeutic, vocational rehabilitation (new law)
Fair and consistent parole board decisions to persons sentenced/incarcerated prior to abolished parole/before Jan. 1, 1995 (old law) Click on Here for 4/14/2014:role Board Appointments
2. Ban-the-Box (felony conviction) legislation deferring “felony” conviction questions on employment application until interview/job offer allowing for fairer employment application process.
Virginia Local municipalities (city, county and town)
Virginia state/state-wide law.
3. Restoration of Rights: Current law “lifetime disenfranchisement” to persons with a felony record.
Governor “Executive Order” to restore current 400,000 Virginians civil rights and voting rights to persons with felony record.
State Legislation “Constitutional Amendment” to automatically restore ongoing civil rights and voting rights to persons with a felony record.
4. Emergency, Temporary Reentry Voucher Assistance (newly released)
Substantiated indigent, newly released Virginia state prisoners.
Housing payment voucher to regulated prisoner reentry facilities (up to 9months)
Food voucher to area supermarket and/or food pantries.
5. Increased funding/programs to/for year round juvenile/youth prevention programs.
Cease and desist: juvenile population in adult facilities
Increase funding and staff to all juvenile educational and therapeutic agencies, community centers and after-care programs.
Increase prenatal & parental wellness and care/assistance to/for teen-aged parents.
To learn more attend one of our regular monthly meeting and/or when the Mobile Justice Tour visits your city, county or town. Feel free to copy, print and share with others. Have that conversation with your district state legislator today (April – September).
To volunteer: email:; telephone: 804.426.4426