On September 24, 2015, the Massachusetts Senate voted unanimously to pass our bill, An Act Relative to Motor Vehicle Suspension, now known as S2021. Now, the Massachusetts House must act to pass it’s sister, H3039. The vote will be tomorrow, January 6th at 1 p.m.
On September 24, 2015, the Massachusetts Senate voted unanimously to pass our bill, An Act Relative to Motor Vehicle Suspension, now known as S2021.
Now, the Massachusetts House must act to pass it’s sister, H3039.
The vote will be tomorrow, January 6th at 1 p.m.
Find your State Representative HERE
RMV Collateral Sanctions Fact Sheet
*If your State Rep is on the list below, they already support our bill.
Please call them and thank them!
Rep. Malia, Elizabeth (D)
Rep. Ashe, Brian (D)
Rep. Atkins, Cory (D)
Rep. Balser, Ruth (D)
Rep. Benson, Jennifer (D)
Rep. Brodeur, Paul (D)
Rep. Carvalho, Evandro (D)
Rep. Cronin, Claire (D)
Rep. Cullinane, Daniel (D)
Rep. Day, Michael (D)
Rep. Decker, Marjorie (D)
Rep. Devers, Marcos (D)
Rep. Donahue, Daniel (D)
Rep. Farley-Bouvier, Tricia (D)
Rep. Gentile, Carmine (D)
Rep. Gonzalez, Carlos (D)
Rep. Gregoire, Danielle (D)
Rep. Hecht, Jonathan (D)
Rep. Heroux, Paul (D)
Rep. Kaufman, Jay (D)
Rep. Keefe, Mary (D)
Rep. Khan, Kay (D)
Rep. Kocot, Peter (D)
Rep. Lawn, John (D)
Rep. Linsky, David (D)
Rep. Livingstone, Jay (D)
Rep. Mahoney, John (D)
Rep. Markey, Christopher (D)
Rep. McGonagle, Joseph (D)
Rep. Mirra, Leonard (R)
Rep. O’Day, James (D)
Rep. Peisch, Alice (D)
Rep. Provost, Denise (D)
Rep. Rogers, David (D)
Rep. Rushing, Byron (D)
Rep. Sannicandro, Tom (D)
Rep. Scaccia, Angelo (D)
Rep. Scibak, John (D)
Rep. Smizik, Frank (D)
Rep. Story, Ellen (D)
Rep. Swan, Benjamin (D)
Rep. Vega, Aaron (D)
Rep. Walsh, Chris (D)
When people re-build their lives after a drug conviction, they face obstacles such as probation fees, court costs and the stigma of having a CORI. In addition, there is a special penalty just for them.
Under current law, a person convicted of any drug offense loses her or his driving privileges for up to 5 years, and must pay at least $500 to reinstate the license. This applies to any drug offense, even if it has nothing to do with an automobile or driving. This law also generates a “back-door CORI” that can never be sealed, which harms a person’s chances of finding employment and housing, for decades after the offense was committed.
It’s time to change this law. Please ask your State representative to vote for H3039. Approximately 7,000 people per year lose their driving privileges due to this law, mostly for offenses that do not involve vehicles in any way.
Download an RMV Collateral Sanctions Fact Sheet Here
For more info please contact: Cassandra Bensahih of EPOCA:
(508) 287-8430 cassandra.epoca@yahoo.com