Come to the Youth Jobs Coalition and Jobs Not Jails for the Youth Jobs Rally on Thursday, February 19 at 11:00am!

February Call to Action!
Join the Youth Jobs Coalitionand Jobs Not Jails for theYouth Jobs Rally on Thursday, February 19 at 11:00am! Join over 1,000+ young people in solidarity as they march from Old South Church in Copley Square, Boston and then proceed to the Statehouse. Once at the State House, there will be a rally and a meeting to prep you for meeting with your state legislators after which you will meet with your state legislators.
Governor Baker is proposing to cut $350,000 from youth jobs in 2015. Stand in solidarity with our young people and tell the Governor and other elected officials to fund our future. Read more here.
Stop the school to prison pipeline with youth jobs! Pledge to attend here.
Tentative schedule:
11am: meet at Old South Church
11:30am: Rally
12:30pm: March to Statehouse
1:30pm: Brief legislative training on advocating for youth jobs funding budget line item in Garner Auditorium
1:45-3:30pm: Meetings with your legislators