Jobs Not Jails

Together, we are building the infrastructure to engage thousands of people in a campaign to stop $2 billion of prison construction, and re-direct those funds into creating good jobs for people in low-income, high-crime neighborhoods.


Oct 30, 2015 | by admin

Monday, November 2, 2015 2PM – 4PM Great Hall, State House

For the first time ever, please join the:
Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus
Harm Reduction and Drug Law Reform Caucus
House Progressive Caucus
Senate Progressive Caucus
Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators Justice Involved Women Task Force

In a united call to action for
critical criminal justice reforms.

Monday, November 2, 2015
2PM – 4PM
Great Hall, State House

Join legislators, staff and advocacy groups to learn about criminal justice bills,ask questions and network. The time is now!


Brief speaking program at 2:30PM

We’ve occupied the halls of the State House again and again, and legislators are listening — but we must not miss this important opportunity to amplify the call!

This Monday from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., there is a great opportunity to create momentum behind the Justice Reinvestment Act, the RMV Collateral Sanctions bill, and many other important criminal justice reforms. Please come out to the first ever Criminal Justice Expo, hosted by five powerful legislative caucuses who have come together to push for ending mass incarceration. Be sure to stop by the tables for EPOCA & Jobs Not Jails’ legislation. Please visit the other tables tables for important reforms such as limiting solitary confinement and alternatives to incarceration for custodial parents.