Jobs Not Jails

Together, we are building the infrastructure to engage thousands of people in a campaign to stop $2 billion of prison construction, and re-direct those funds into creating good jobs for people in low-income, high-crime neighborhoods.

Reform, Re-entry and Results: Change and Progress in the Massachusetts Criminal Justice System

Feb 14, 2014 | by admin

Governor Patrick is going to be addressing issues related to mass incarceration and public opinion: Next Thursday, February 20, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at UMass Boston’s Campus Center. This will be a tightly controlled event, with little or no opportunity for public comment – but we need to demonstrate that when our political leaders address issues of Mass Incarceration, PEOPLE SHOW UP! Please see below for further information.

Reform, Re-entry and Results:
Change and Progress in the Massachusetts Criminal Justice System

Thursday, February 20, 2014
10:00 – 11:30 AM

UMass Boston Campus Center

Featured Remarks by Governor Deval L. Patrick

How public opinion is changing on criminal justice reform in Massachusetts.
New poll results from Steve Koczela, President of The MassINC Polling Group.

Experts and activists will respond to Governor Patrick's
remarks and to the new public opinion data.

Greg Torres (Moderator)
President, MassINC & Publisher, CommonWealth Magazine
True-See Allah
Director, Boston Reentry Initiative – Suffolk County Sheriff's Department

Kevin Burke
Massachusetts Secretary of Public Safety and Security (2007-2010); Co-Chair, Massachusetts Criminal Justice Reform Coalition

Andrea Cabral
Massachusetts Secretary of Public Safety and Security

John Larivee
CEO, Community Resources for Justice

Max D. Stern
Partner, Stern Shapiro Weissberg & Garin LLP; Co-Chair, Massachusetts Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
* As the University is currently undertaking a number of construction and improvement projects, we encourage guests to take public transportation (red line UMass/JFK station) or park at the UMass Boston Bayside lot at 200 Mt. Vernon Street where a free shuttle bus runs to-and-from the Bayside lot to the Campus Center immediately outside the event facility.