Lea has been fighting for criminal justice reform in Maryland for 16 years. She is about to be honored with an award. Here is her story…

Lea has been fighting for criminal justice reform in Maryland for 16 years. She is about to be honored with an award. Here is her story…
My name is Lea Green, mother of a Lifer,President of Maryland CURE Chapter:
A grassroots organization for the reform of this criminal justice system. It is with great honor to be here with so many foot soldiers.
For sharing my vision – thank you National Cure for giving MarylandCure, a Positive platform to make a difference in prison reform. We have 47 chapter Thru-out the U.S. working hard to meet the challenge of our broken criminal justice system. I often ask myself, why in the world am I’m on this journey,so painful and full of tears. I soon realize that, their is not a parent on this planet that don’t feel this pain and anguish, when there child make a terrible mistake in their life. We still love them! I am a firm believer that one can redeem and rehabilitate themselves into productive tax paying citizens.
Maryland Cure will help with this effort. We will be the voice for the voiceless. We will make every effort to change the minds of our Policy Makers to make the SECOND CHANCE ACT, signed by Former President Bush(2008) a reality in our criminal justice system. MarylandCure goals is two-fold: use prisons for those who have to be there; provide all the rehabilitation that is needed to turn lives around. I, share my dream, that Fannie Lou Hamer, famous signature”I am sick and tired of being sick and tired,” be a thing of the past.
We all will enjoy a good life under God and equal justice for all.
Lea Green