HEARING DATE CONFIRMED: Wednesday, January 27 @11:00am @ 11am (1/2 hour after adjournment) Monday, February 1, February 8 @ 8am SHARP The Virginia legislature has the power to fix this mistake by granting resentencing proceedings to the affected parties. We’ve waited long enough. The time to act is now.

Jury deliberations are weighty and complex, making it vital participants be able to factor in all the relevant information. Yet, for five years, juries in Virginia imposed heavy-handed sentences without knowing the state had decided to abolish its parole system. In cases where juries inquired as to whether a defendant might one day be eligible for parole — judges replied that, because of a legal restrictions, they weren’t allowed to answer. Looking back, jurors who served during this period (1995 to 2000) have said they would have imposed shorter, fairer sentences, had they known parole release wasn’t being offered to prisoners, anymore. The Virginia legislature has the power to fix this mistake by granting resentencing proceedings to the affected parties. We’ve waited long enough.
The time to act is now. ACT NOW: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/fix-sentencing-disparities-pass-va-senate-bill-no-223 General Assembly UPDATES GOAL: 100 + SUPPORTERS in Attendance at General Assembly when VA Senate Bill No. 223 is heard and voted upon.
RIHD will Email, Text and/or Call. We request members,families, friends and allies to be Ready, Willing and Able. Below are some
Anticipated dates/schedule. Wednesday, January 27 @11:00am; February 3 @ 11am (1/2 hour after adjournment) Monday, February 1, February 8 @ 8am SHARP
Click Bill Docket link: http://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?161+doc+DOCS03
Hearing/Meeting Address: Senate Room B General Assembly Building 910 Capitol Street Richmond, VA 23218 (9th and Broad Street)
“It always seem impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela
Lillie Branch-KennedyFounder/Executive Director
RIHD, Inc. – PO Box 55 – Highland Springs – Virginia 23075 (804) 426-4426 http://www.rihd.org
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.