GENERAL ASSEMBLY 9th & BROAD STREET: MONDAY, JANUARY 27, in the House Criminal Law Subcommittee, Room C between 3pm-4pm and TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, in the Senate General Laws and Technology Subcommittee #2 at 9am; 3rd Floor, West Conference.

January 25, 2014
Dear Members, Families, Friends and Allies,
The 2014 General Assembly has been moving in a fast pace to hear and decide the fate of over 2,000 proposed legislation. It is important that proposed justice-related bills are not left in committee (fail) due to lack of public support/public priority.
BAN-THE-BOX: One of the Three (3) Mobile Justice Tour justice-related issues, BAN-THE-BOX removing questions about an applicant’s criminal background from initial employment forms, therefore reducing barriers that prevent our community members from finding work is scheduled to be heard at the General Assembly next week.
HOW TO HELP: Please call the below listed Committee members, your district legislator and patron/sponsor in support of both Ban-the-Box bills. Don’t forget to let the legislators know you’ve been kept informed through the Community Restoration Campaign, home of the Mobile Justice Tour.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY HELP SITE: (bill status, who’s my legislator, meetings, etc):!hb=1&mainContentTabs=0
MONDAY, JANUARY 27, Join Us in the House Criminal Law Subcommittee, Room C between 3pm-4pm in the General Assembly Building (on 9th and Broad).
HB723 BAN-THE-BOX: Employment applications; inquiries regarding criminal arrests, charges, or convictions.
Patron/Sponsor: Delegate K. Rob Krupicka (D) – House District 45 – Telephone: (804) 698-1045 –
House Criminal Law Subcommittee Members: Robert Bell (804) 698-1058, David Albo (804) 698-1042, Benjamin Cline (804) 698-1024; Todd Gilbert (804) 698-1015; Jackson Miller (804)698-1050; Ronald Villanueva (804) 698-1021; Rick Morris (804) 698-1064; Les R. Adams (804) 698-1016; Vivian Watts (804) 698-1039; Charniele Herring (804) 698-1046; Monty Mason (804) 698-1093
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, Join Us in the Senate General Laws and Technology Subcommittee #2 at 9am; 3rd Floor, West Conference. in the General Assembly Building (on 9th and Broad).
SB250 BAN-THE-Box Employment applications; inquiries regarding criminal arrests, charges, or convictions.
Patron/Sponsor: Senator A. Donald McEachin (D) – Senate District 9 – Telephone: (804) 698-7509
Senate General Laws & Technology Subcommittee Members: Richard Stuart (804) 698-7528; J. Chapman Petersen (804) 698-7534; Jill Holtzman-Vogel (804) 698-7527; Bryce E. Reeves (804) 698-7517
Thank you all in advance for your continued support.
Lillie Branch-Kennedy (Ms. K)
Executive Director, RIHD, Inc.
Moderator, Mobile Justice Tour