Families For Justice As Healing are organizing the FREE HER Rally on June 21, 2014 in Washington DC on the Washington Mall. Women and supporters from across the country coming together to raise our voices as one to end mass incarceration and the war on drugs, the major catalyst to mass incarceration of women.

Dear members, families, friends and allies,
Please take the time to read the below, share with others and make every effort to show support by attending this IMPORTANT event.
RIHD minivan (seats 7) will be making the trip, interested persons can contact me at 804.426.4426. Planning to attend and/or car-pool, it would be great to make a sign representing Virginia! See you in DC June 21.
As always, peace and blessings,
Lillie (Ms. K) Branch-Kennedy
Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged (RIHD)
P.O. Box 55
Highland Springs, Virginia 23075
From: ajames@justiceashealing.org
Subject: FREE HER Rally
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 09:23:38 -0700
Hello Community Family.
I am the Executive Director of Families for Justice as Healing (www.justiceashealing.org). We are a criminal justice reform, legislative advocacy organization and we advocate for community wellness alternatives to incarceration. We focus on women. We draft model state and federal legislation with a focus on reducing the number of incarcerated women. There has been a dramatic increase in incarceration of women in the United States in ten years. 70% of incarcerated women were the primary caregivers of their children prior to their incarceration and the period of incarceration of mothers and separation from their children creates serious collateral consequences for children and the entire community. c
We are organizing the FREE HER Rally on June 21, 2014 in Washington DC on the Washington Mall. Women and supporters from across the country coming together to raise our voices as one to end mass incarceration and the war on drugs, the major catalyst to mass incarceration of women. We are asking President Obama to commute the sentences of women in the federal system serving non-violent drug sentences.
Our event kicks off with a nation wide call-in day on Friday, June 20th in support of the Smarter Sentencing Act. …And then we are showing up on Saturday, June 21st, on the Washington Mall, 10,000 women, men and children strong. We are asking individuals and organizations to join us. Help us raise our voices to end unjust and disparate sentencing laws and help mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and wives return to their families and begin to heal themselves, the children and our communities. Please share this and join us on June 21, 2014. FREE HER! – Thank you. – Andrea James
Andrea C. James
Families For Justice As Healing
197A Humboldt Ave., Boston, MA 02121
(617) 905-2026
Building Up People, Not Prisons