– A coalition of civil rights groups partnering for a 15-city tour of Virginia to raise awareness on and provide direct services for justice issues that affect people with criminal records. • Restoration of Civil & Voting Rights Application/Filing Assistance • Ban-the-Box Fairer Employment Application • Sentencing reforms to end mass incarceration in Virginia

Thursday, February, 20
4:30pm to 7:30pm
NAACP, Lawson Building
401 Gainesboro Road
Roanoke, Virginia 24016
Saturday, February 22
3pm to 5pm
Lynchburg Public Library, MLK, Jr.
2315 Memorial Ave,
Lynchburg, Virginia 24501
Wednesday February 26
5pm to 8pm
William R. McKinney Library,
137 S. Sycamore Street
Petersburg, Virginia 23803
Thursday, February 27
3pm to 6pm
Ellen Coolridge Burke Library,
4701 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22304
Your city, county or town not listed? Want the MJT to meet in your area during, 2014? Send us the following: 2 proposed dates (Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday); the venue, time, location/full address and contact person information. Call/Text: 805.426.4426; email: rihd23075@aol.com.
MJT is an all-volunteer initiative, free, open to the public and non-funded, depending solely upon private donations such as yourself, no matter how modest. Donations $25 or more to RIHD/MJT are tax-deductible to you per IRS 501(c) 3 rules and regulations. RIHD/MJT – PO Box 55 -Highland Springs, Virginia 23075 – Telephone: 804.426.4426