Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged

Fighting to reverse the trend of mass incarceration and correcting sentencing bias and injustices that remain uncorrected in Virginia." -- Lillie Branch-Kennedy, Founder/Executive Director Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged & Disenfranchised (RIHD)

9/17 Mobile Justice Tour - Richmond

Sep 13, 2013 | by admin

Three key justice related issues we will discuss and provide on-site direct services: restoration of rights, ban-the-box employment reform, rehabilitative programs for successful prisoner reentry. Join us, bring a friend or two, the family, all invited, all welcome. “Change comes from the people, not the politicians.” Be the voice for the voiceless.

• Restoration of Rights: While Gov. McDonnell’s plan to simplify the rights restoration process for those with non-violent convictions is a historic change, many impacted citizens may be shut out of the process. Central to this concern is the Governor’s broad definition of “violent” felonies – including almost all drug convictions, such as drug possession with intent to distribute. The MJT will elaborate on the plan’s details, and assist those who wish to restore their rights.

• “Ban the Box” Employment Application Reform: Fair hiring policies have been passed by the city governments of Newport News, Richmond, Norfolk, and Portsmouth, which remove the question about an individual’s criminal history from the initial employment application. The MJT will advocate for other Virginia governments and private businesses to “Ban the Box” and reduce barriers that prevent our community members from finding work.

• Successful Prisoner Re-Entry: During the 2014 Virginia General Assembly session, policy advocates will introduce common-sense legislation that has been shown to reduce recidivism. Proposed solutions include prison-based programs such as 1) Prisoner literacy and educational, therapeutic, and vocational rehabilitation, Earned Sentence Credits 2) Volunteer Tax Credits for professional and/or licensed persons providing educational and other services to incarcerated people in Virginia jails and prisons, and 3) Temporary Public Assistance for up to nine months to newly released individuals. The MJT will detail, and invite others to join, these citizen lobbying efforts.  Richmond area meeting:

September 17: 6:30pm to 9pm
Fellowship Hall
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
1720 Mechanicsville Turnpike
Richmond, Virginia 23223


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