Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged

Fighting to reverse the trend of mass incarceration and correcting sentencing bias and injustices that remain uncorrected in Virginia." -- Lillie Branch-Kennedy, Founder/Executive Director Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged & Disenfranchised (RIHD)

Fighting for Justice From the Holler to the Hood

Jan 25, 2011 | by admin

We have put a photo essay below that covers travels from the holler to the hood in Virginia — and our prison nation.

nation inside 2

This past August prisoners family members in both rural and urban Virginia who were “sick and tired of being sick and tired” decided they would take on the brutal policy of no parole in Virginia. Using a ten-day tour of Virginia to kick-start their campaign they visited with other interested folks at their homes, in church basements, and community centers. What has come of that road trip is now in front of the Virginia General Assembly in the form of SB796, a testament to democracy.

RIHD in the house

Restoration Tour

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