Keep track of restorative legislation for positive criminal justice reform in Virginia as the 2013 General Assembly Session moves forward.

Keep track of restorative legislation for positive criminal justice reform in Virginia as the 2013 General Assembly Session moves forward.
As the General Assembly moves forward, I decided it might be a good idea to keep an open discussion about restorative legislation for positive criminal justice reform in Virginia.
We will post new action requests, and I encourage others to talk about those things they support or oppose and share legislation related to positive criminal justice reform with us all.
Last night, Governor Bob McDonnell was met with the most vigorous applause during his State of the Commonwealth address when he announced his definitive support for true second chances in Virginia and the call for automatic restoration of civil rights for nonviolent offenders.
The Governor announced:
“[W]e’ve dramatically improved our prisoner re-entry system. We want more good citizens, not more returning prisoners. Tonight, I’m pleased to announce that our Administration has now restored the civil rights of more Virginians than any other Administration in state history… While we have significantly improved and fast-tracked the restoration of civil rights process, it’s still an executive process. As a nation that believes in redemption and second chances, we must provide a clear path for willing individuals to be productive members of society once they have served their sentences and paid their fines and restitution. It is time for Virginia to join most of the other states and make the restoration of civil rights an automatic process for non-violent offenders.”
The crowd was definitely stirred and supportive.
It brought great joy to me to see the cry for a more restorative process in Virginia, and after losing a very dear friend in Senator Yvonne B. Miller this past July, it was so fulfilling to know that this was something she tirelessly supported year after year.
Therefore, I think it is very appropriate to begin this blog by asking that you give your support to voting rights restoration legislation that was even requested by the City of Portsmouth. Those resolutions are SJ 266 and HJ 674.
HJ 535 Constitutional amendment; restoration of civil rights to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies.
HJ 547 Constitutional amendment; restoration of civil rights to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies.
HJ 563 Constitutional amendment; restoration of civil rights to persons convicted of felonies.
HJ 585 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); restoration of civil rights.
HJ 674 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); restoration of civil rights.
SJ 266 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); restoration of civil rights.
SJ 269 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); restoration of civil rights.
In addition, the Community Restoration Campaign is also extremely supportive of:
• SB 835 Eligibility for TANF; drug related felonies
• HB 1355 Petitions for writs of actual innocence
• HB 1458 Eligibility for TANF; drug related felonies
I intend to keep this blog updated with legislation that we may support or oppose, and I will try to keep it updated with scheduled votes on the legislation and ways for the public to give their input.