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End of Year Workshop 1
If you missed the last workshop it is provided above.  In our first workshop we reviewed setting a realistic goal for your campaign.  We also talked about different approaches.  Will you be doing a face-to-face ask or direct call with donors who can make substantial contributions?  Will you advertise on Facebook?  Will you have the […]
Creating a WePay Account
Take the first step in building your donor base and setup your WePay account.
Building On Your Strengths: Learn from each other
Now that you've learned the basics of online campaigning, let's come together to share what we've learned. We will examine Nation Inside partner campaigns and give feedback to build on your strengths in order to increase engagement.
Email Fundraising
Online giving has seen double-digit growth in the past 6 years. But many of us aren’t taking advantage of this. The single biggest factor in online fundraising is e-mail. In this webinar, we’ll dissect effective fundraising e-mails to identify the elements of an effective fundraising email. We’ll discuss using giving levels and monthly donations as well as tailoring your donation asks in Action Network to get the best results. We'll present tips on maximizing the effectiveness of your in-campaign fundraising emails, including planning for a series and segmenting your list. Finally, we'll place email fundraising in the context of other approaches.
Meme-making for Organizers
The images you develop for social media can determine whether 150 people or 15,000 people see your message and take action in your campaigns. We’ll cover guidelines about framing your message and designing your meme so people want to take action and share it. We’ll show concrete examples of the kind of difference a good meme can make, and cover topics such as picture dimensions and file types, and where to go for good source material. We’ll also recommend a couple of the most-used tools and demo one of them, showing you live how to start with a plain photo and turn it into something that will drive action.
Sending Effective Emails
If you don't have a good email strategy, people won't read your e-mails and you'll eventually lose large sections of your list to spam filters. On the other hand, effective emails can help you build a loyal, engaged support base that will be more likely to take online and offline action for your organization. In this webinar, we'll cover what makes a good email and how to create an effective email strategy.
Petition to Win: Best Practices for Online Petitions and Targeted Letter Campaigns
Learn how to craft effective online petitions and letter campaigns that help you win victories and grow your base of supporters! We'll dissect successful petitions, tell you what you should avoid, and discuss when you should use a petition or a letter campaign.