#CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars

While the world is trying to flatten the curve of a pandemic without end in sight, U.S. prisons and detention centers continue to be COVID-19 hotspots, warehousing millions and failing to make the substantial populations reductions needed to create conditions of social distance.

#CagingCOVID is a campaign to shine a light on mass incarceration in a time of a public health crisis, and apply pressure to use parole, clemency and decarceration at local and federal levels to stop the spread of the virus behind bars.

Use this form to report Covid related conditions inside


Call our 24 hour hotline to tell us your story about Covid-19 and incarceration at 910-604-6519



It is well known that prisons and jails are vectors for the spread of infectious diseases due to unsanitary conditions, limited access to cleaning and hygiene products and overcrowding which makes social distancing impossible. As recent spikes in coronavirus cases begin to plateau nationwide, prisons and jails continue to be the largest hotspots for infection and the number of deaths continues to rise. Despite this reality, federal and state officials continue to gamble with the lives of incarcerated people by taking no meaningful action to curb the spread of the virus in jails and prisons.

Below you will find up-to-date resources for tracking the virus inside and criminal justice responses to the pandemic:

Policy Papers and Documents

COVID-19 Hotline for Incarcerated People (CHIP), 01/11/2020

Congressional Research Service, 23/04/2020