While its been looking dismal in a federal realm, news from the Prison Phone Justice front in Texas may be an indication of changes bubbling up at the state leve

Last year was difficult for those of us aiming to stop prison profiteering. A Trump appointee let the FCC abandon a hard-won rule change that would have capped the costs at 11 cents per minute. This happened in tandem with a reversal the Obama Administration’s attempt to end major private prison contracts.
While its been looking dismal in a federal realm, news from the Prison Phone Justice front in Texas may be an indication of changes bubbling up at the state level.
This is major, since Texas of course operates the nation’s largest prison system.
Now is the time to use this momentum to push hard on our state-level campaigns. As prisoners across the country declare a national strike, including a boycott on spending, a sign of hope emerged from Texas.
Though the movement for prison phone justice began long before the 2018 Prison Strike kicked off this August 21st, last week’s decision to drop phone rates by 75% in Texas prisons could fuel the larger movement for criminal justice reform by providing a tangible victory that came through years of an inside/outside organizing alliance.
The striking prisoners’ #1 demand is “Immediate improvements to the conditions of prisons and prison policies that recognize the humanity of imprisoned men and women.”
We feel an end to government price-gouging on phone rates is a major step in that direction. As a partner of the nationwide Campaign for Prison Phone Justice, Nation Inside is honored to celebrate with all those who have persevered over the past decade. As always, if we can be of any help in pushing out your local/regional actions campaigns, let us know.
Nation Inside’s Prison Phone Justice Team
P.S. You can support the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice by taking action and donating here.