Families United to Decarcerate Michigan

Families United to Decarcerate Michigan is a group of citizens and organizations bringing awareness to the issues of over-incarceration in our state. We want to engage the citizens of Michigan to ask for improvements and reinvention of the criminal justice and corrections system so that our tax dollars will be better used and a more humane approach implemented.

Support ending the loss of family visits. Sample letters and pledges supporting the restoration of family visits will be coming soon.



Time Served:  The High Cost, Low Return of Longer Prison Terms

  • Prisoners in Michigan serve longer sentences than in any other state.

Pew Report:  http://www.pewstates.org/research/reports/time-served-85899394616

  • Nationwide, state spending on corrections has risen faster in the 20 years from 1988 to 2008 than spending on nearly any other state budget item—increasing from about $12 billion to $52 billion a year.

Justice Center- Council of State Governments Report:  http://csgjusticecenter.org/jr/facts-trends/

An overview of the work in Michigan:  http://csgjusticecenter.org/jr/mi/