Test Post for Comments
Over 130 Organizations Challenge EPA to Consider Prisoners in Environmental Justice Plan
Washington, D.C. – The Human Rights Defense Center (HRDC) submitted a public comment to the Environmental Protection Agency today that provides input on the agency’s final draft of the EJ 2020 Action Agenda, highlighting the lack of consideration for environmental justice among the millions of prisoners in the United States. The comment was co-signed by […]
Take Action In the Last Remaining Days
The Legislature will meet this Saturday and Sunday, marking the last formal sessions of the 2015-2016 session. These bills passed the Senate and are pending in the House so calls to your state representatives asking them to ask Speaker DeLeo to schedule these bills for a vote during these final two days are needed. Find your […]
AR-CURE Newsletter April 2016
You can help us with the mailing cost to our fellow citizens in prison by joining AR-CURE or simply making a donation (of any amount). APRIL 2016 Issue 6
Fighting Toxic Prisons: Reflections and Next Steps from the June 11 Convergence in D.C.
from FightToxicPrisons.org First off, a huge “Thank You” to the folks that helped make the convergence last month happen. There are too many to list you all here, but you know who you are. Those of us who organized for the event over the past 6 months considered it to be a complete success. Thus […]