Jun 15, 2016
Jun 08, 2016
May 26, 2016
UPDATE: It passed the Senate at $500,000 instead of $2 million. Not all that we wanted, but a first step. We'll put another alert in early June when the House and Senate have to rectify their budgets with one another.
Senate Budget Amendment S761 is in limbo right now, and we need to make it move. The amendment would allocate $2 million to fund jobs and job training for formerly incarcerated people and court involved youth. The Senate bundled amendments into 3 piles: Yes, No and Held. The good news is it didn't go to the No pile; it's in the held pile.
Please contact your Senators and Senate Leadership and also have your members call to let them know how important this amendment is for formerly incarcerated people and court involved youth to have access to jobs and job training.
May 20, 2016