Does your legislator support the Justice Reinvestment Act?
The Justice Reinvestment Act (S.64/H.1429) will be heard by the Massachusetts Legislature on October 14th and we want your legislators to know how important it is to you to end mass incarceration and change our criminal justice system by re-investing in our communities through job and educational opportunity. The Justice Reinvestment Act will only get passed with your help!
June 27th “Jobs Not Jails” Direct Action Training!
Learn more about the actions being taken for the Summer of Solidarity.
Summer of Solidarity Action
Check out this video at the Quincy Court House of volunteers speaking out for the Summer of Solidarity.
Rally Against Mass Incarceration on August 13th
As a part of Jobs Not Jails' Summer of Solidarity, we will be marching from the Forest Hills T stop at 1:00 pm to the nearby courthouse to show our support for those incarcerated in the U.S.
A Deadly July For Arkansas Prisoners
There have been twenty-three prison deaths from January 2015 through June 2015... Eleven deaths in July, alone.
Save the Date! Wednesday October 14th
Jobs NOT Jails Justice Reinvestment Act - Joint Judiciary Committee Hearing
2015-2016 RIHD Legislative Agenda/Position Papers for Reforms
Legislation to "correct sentencing injustices from the past that remain uncorrected."