Rainbow PUSH & Campaign for Prison Phone Justice Co-Host Public Hearing
A reminder that tomorrow, Rainbow PUSH Coalition and the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice are co-hosting a public hearing, on Feb. 1st, in New York City on the high cost of prison telephone calls.
The “All of the Above” President
Analysis of President Obama's School Safety Plan
Campaign Receives Digital Media Pioneer for Social Justice Award
The Campaign for Prison Phone Justice is honored to receive this award alongside Mrs. Martha Wright and Ava DuVernay
Counselors not Cops
Survey done by the California Endowment shows Californians support counselors not cops as violence prevention strategy
The Campaign for Prison Phone Justice Is on the Move
A phone justice victory in Cook County, IL is a victory for all
Louisiana Lowers Prison Phone Rates For Families
“Sheriffs and prison officials are taking the phone money “out of the hides of the poorest of the poor” - Chairman Foster Campbell
Action Alert: Louisiana Phone Rates
Action Alert: Louisiana Phone Rates
The Most Vulnerable Children of Louisiana Jacked by Telecommunication Companies
I just spoke with Kalia's* mother this morning. Here is the story. Her Mom cannot afford the high-cost and additional fees of phone calls to allow her daughter to speak with her incarcerated father
New York Times Takes A Stand on Prison Phone Justice
New York Times editorial urges the FCC to pass the Wright Petition and charge reasonable rates for prison phone calls.