Chicago Tribune: Quinn Made Right Call on Closing State Facilities, Rauner’s Wrong
Governor Quinn made tough choices about closing facilities -- like prisons From the Chicago Tribune: Editorial: Who is the Compassionate Conservative here?
A Challenge
We know that Nation Inside is a tool to carry our message and your message far beyond what could ever be done on our own! We challenge you to use it too…. Its really quite easy … it connects us to work as one for the nation of men and women incarcerated… until the prison nation inside no longer exists.
Press Release: Mobile Justice Tour (MJT)
Civil Rights Groups Launch "Mobile Justice Tour" To Bring Advocacy, Awareness and Assistance on Voting Rights Restoration, Ban-the-Box and Successful Prisoner Re-entry Across Virginia - Join Us!
Betty Yu
Betty shares stories and issues facing youth in NYC.
My family can’t afford the calls
A mother in Virginia lays out the case for affordable prison phone calls.
VDOC Speaks in favor of Wright Petiton
Virginia's Director of Corrections, Harold Clark, submitted a comment to the Federal Communications Commission in favor of the reduction in commissions and/or charges related to prison phone calls.
Educate Not Just Incarcerate
Just saying "NO" is not the answer... Arkansas CURE Says “YES” to rehabilitation for those who have erred
Delia Vega – Why Jobs NOT Jails
Congratulations Lea! | 2013 Fannie Lou Hamer Award Recipient
Maryland CURE's Executive Director is profiled in the Capital Gazette. Lea Green is truly one of the great "she-roes" of CURE. Read her story here and learn how she is making a difference in her community.