Endorse Jobs NOT Jails!
There are many ways you can help build the movement!
Local Jobs NOT Jails Coalition Meetings:
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Springfield rally in support of ‘Jobs Not Jails’ scheduled for Tuesday in Mason Square
SPRINGFIELD — Local groups plan to voice their support Tuesday for a statewide coalition pushing to redirect prison spending toward job creation, training and support for Massachusetts' lowest-income communities.
Fast action! PROPONENT of SB3012 by Thursday March 20 8:30 AM
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! SB3012 ensures legal counsel to minors interrogated in custody
Fast action! PROPONENT of HB4538 by Monday March 24 3:00 PM
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! HB4538 restores individualized sentencing for minors
Fast action! PROPONENT of HB3224 by Thursday March 20 8:30 AM
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! HB3224 eliminates the mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years of probation for minors convicted of forcible felonies.
March Mini-calendar of Events Related to Mass Incarceration
Lots to do this coming March!