National Conference on Media Reform: Prison Phones Panel
Listen to the audio from the Prison Phones workshop at the National Conference on Media Reform.
URGENT ACTION NEEDED ON HB 1348: Give Youth with Life Sentences a Chance for Review
√ HOLD OFF FOR 2014 VERSION! Please act now for a chance to give youth with life sentences the opportunity to demonstrate that they have changed and matured. This will bring Illinois into compliance with recent US Supreme Court decisions that found that such sentencing practices amount to cruel and unusual punishment.
Wright Petition on the Move: Prisoners, Families, Campaign Allies Comment by the Thousands
In a few short weeks, thousands of individuals and organizations filed comments with the FCC concerning the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on the Wright Petition.
Every Day is a Call-in Day Against Another Mandatory Minimum in Illinois!
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! But wWe had a successful call in day on Thursday March 28th, but please keep contacting your legislators and ask them to vote “NO” on HB2265.
Campaign for Prison Phone Justice Submits Comments to the FCC
Campaign for Prison Phone Justice and a broad range of voices across the political spectrum submitted comments to the FCC in support of prison phone rate reductions.
Dear Secretary Dortch: 200 Prisoners and Counting Submit FCC Comments
With one week until the March 25 deadline, 200 prisoners and 100 others have submitted comments to the FCC regarding the "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" on the Wright Petition.
HELP GET SB1659 Through the House: Tax credits to Hire People with Records
√ CHECK. THIS BILL PASSED AND IT IS AN AMAZING ACCOMPLISHMENT! But wSB1659 passed the Senate but we need a lot of pressure in the House. Please act now to encourage employers to give people the chance to turn their lives around and to reward those who do.
OPPOSE HB2265/SB1003: Mandatory Minimums Destroy Lives and Do Not Make Us Safer
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! But we will continue to update you on this bill! Tell your legislators to oppose HB2265/SB1003 which would increase the mandatory minimum for weapon-related offenses. Do not let legislators pretend to address the problem of gun violence by sweeping more young people in prison. HB2265/SB1003 would spike the prison population by 4000 and cost $974 million in just ten years, for no public safety gain.
SUPPORT HB3061: Give People a Chance to Seal Their Record and Move On from a Past Mistake
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! If you want to help people with records rebuild their lives, please take 10 seconds to tell your legislators to support the sealing of these six criminal records. The sealing of old convictions promotes (1) self-sufficiency; (2) makes Illinois safer; and (3) saves Illinois millions.
A Decade of Prison Sentences from 2 Percent of Neighborhoods Cost $5.3 billion
Taxpayers are spending billions to incarcerate Chicagoans who hail from a small fraction of the city’s blocks