Fast Action: Senate Floor Vote SB1659 (Tax Credits to Hire People with Records)
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS AND IT WON THE SENATE BY A LANDSLIDE. Contact your legislators to support SB1659 by Weds, March 12. Easy link provided!
Fast Action: PROPONENT of HB2404 to Raise the Age of Juvenile Court to 18 for All Offenses
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! Please help raise the age of juvenile court to 18 for all offenses. Youth age 17 should be tried in juvenile courts. They need and deserve the mental health, drug treatment, and community-­based services available to youth in the criminal legal system.
Sat, March 23: First Meeting of NEW House Restorative Justice Committee!
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! Come to the Town Hall Restorative Justice meeting and tell legislators why you support transformative justice.
Fast Action: OPPONENT of HB2265 Mandatory Minimum
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS BUT IT PASSED. SEE NEXT ACTION ITEM! Oppose HB2265 which increases the mandatory-minimum for weapon-related offenses. Do not let legislators pretend to address the problem of gun violence by sweeping more young people in prison. HB2265 would spike the prison population by thousands in just a few years, for no public safety gain.
March 12: Support Prison Phone Justice in Maryland
On March 12, support prisoners and families by attending a hearing for phone justice in Maryland. Testify to lend your voice to the cause.
Fast Action: PROPONENT of SB1659 and HB1547
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! We went online to list ourselves as PROPONENTS of SB1659 and HB1547 to give $1500 tax credits to employers who hire formerly incarcerated people.
Close Dwight: A Very Strong Plan
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS. DWIGHT IS CLOSED. Dwight Correctional Center is being closed. The IDOC is preparing Logan Correctional Center to receive the women from Dwight and Lincoln. Advocates have researched the new organizational plan for Logan and we like what we see.
“The Other Wright Claim” Hits the Docket
A mother submits a powerful comment to the FCC, and so can you!
Judd v. AT&T Settlement Vindicates In-State Families, Out-of-State Families Still Seek Justice
A mother of a former WA prisoner and plaintiff of Judd v. AT&T writes the FCC, asking for relief for out-of-state families of WA prisoners
Prison Phone Justice Advocates Tell Commissioner Clyburn: The Time is Now
On Friday February 1st, 60 people attended a public hearing on prison telephone rates in New York City co-hosted by Rainbow PUSH Coalition and the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice.