Prison Phone Justice: Briefing
What would you pay to hear the voice of an imprisoned loved one? Almost anything, right? The telecoms know it. Sign the petition that we will deliver to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Send a letter-to-the-editor and let your community know why we need to stop prison phone abuse. Fill out this important survey about […]
Prison Phone Justice: Answer the Call
The Federal Communications Commission is planning on taking action on prison phone calls within states. Join the campaign for prison phone justice:
New Special Report on Prosecuting Children in Adult Courts
The Juvenile Justice Initiative (JJI) just released a Special Report on the Automatic Adult Prosecution of Children in Cook County. Get it here! Here is JJI’s new Special Report detailing why automatic prosecution of children as adults is harmful. Illinois should restore authority over whether a child under 18 should be tried in adult crimi-nal […]
Send us your emails or letters today!
CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT AN EASY ONLINE FORM The more stories we collect the greater impact we can have. If you or someone you know has been charged high fees to send money to a prisoner or to access money when released from custody we would like to know the following: 1) The name […]