
ACTION NEEDED: Oppose Rahm’s Mandatory Minimum Bill (SB1342)
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! **Update: SB1342 was not called for a vote during the December session of the General Assembly! This is great news for the moment, but a version of SB1342 is sure to be reintroduced in the Spring session, so we need to keep up the resistance.** SB1342 contains devastating new mandatory minimum prison sentences for people convicted of weapons-related offenses in Illinois. This post contains an easy link to contact your representatives and speak out.
ACTION NEEDED: Oppose Rahm’s Mandatory Minimum Bill (SB1342) [Updated 12/4/2013]
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! **Update: SB1342 was not called for a vote during the December session of the General Assembly! This is great news for the moment, but a version of SB1342 is sure to be reintroduced in the Spring session, so we need to keep up the resistance.** SB1342 contains devastating new mandatory minimum prison sentences for people convicted of weapons-related offenses in Illinois. This post contains an easy link to contact your representatives and speak out.
The Exorbitant Price of Michigan Prisons
It costs $5 million PER DAY to run Michigan's prison system.