2015 Holiday Transportation to Faraway Virginia Prisons
Special trip to Pocahontas/Keen Mtn - Red Onion/Wallens Ridge - River North Leave and Return from Richmond VA
4th MobileJustice Tour Starts Tuesday August 18th – Join Us
"To improve the effectiveness and fairness of Virginia’s justice system" Download Schedule and Share.-
Greenwashing Washington State’s Prison System in a River of Sewage
This article represents an environmental epidemic among prisons nationwide, and indicates exactly why “the greenest prison is an empty one” ... The cache of state records obtained by the Human Rights Defense Center here reveals that roughly half-a-million gallons of sewage water and other contaminates have been dumped from the Monroe prison’s wastewater system over the last eight years, polluting rivers and wetlands in the Puget Sound watershed.
Police Shootings Won’t Stop Unless We Also Stop Shaking Down Black People
The dangers of turning police officers into revenue generators.
Proposed Federal Prison in Letcher County: Not Just an Eastern Kentucky Issue
The half-a-billion dollar cost of building this prison isn't its only problem; along with the over-incarceration that is tearing human communities apart, there is also a serious environmental toll.
Prison Phone Justice: Answer the Call
AR-CURE along with numerous prisoner families,criminal justice advocate groups, individuals and organizations are in a 'full court press' to have the FCC regulate the cost of prison phone calls.
Prison Ecology Project Launches Crowdfunding Campaign
The Human Rights Defense Center’s Prison Ecology Project is creating tools to dismantle toxic prisons. We are the only group focused on the intersection of environment and mass incarceration. Your contributions will provide needed start-up funds for on-the-ground work to bridge the gap between criminal justice reform and environmental movements.
Ninety-Three Organizations Challenge EPA to Consider Prisoners in Environmental Justice Plan
The EPA has never cited the health and safety of prisoners exposed to such environmental conditions as a factor in prison inspections or in the permitting of new facilities.