Expensive ‘Prison Skype’ Is Squeezing Out In-Person Visitation as Prison Profiteers Expand
The world of prison profiteering is expanding. As the FCC cracks down on expensive prison calling rates, companies move into video chat instead.
GEO Group’s Gulags Grasping for Green Approval
All the LEED certifications in the world can’t cover up the constant flow of atrocities associated with prisons-for-profit, but that’s not going to stop them from trying.
Securus Technologies, Inc. to Acquire JPay Inc.
This transaction thrusts Securus into the fastest growing segments in corrections..." said Rick Smith, CEO of Securus Technologies. JPay and Securus are merging to create the ultimate prison profiteering leviathan, covering money transfers, release funds, communications and consumer products to a literally captive market.
New England Regional Conversation
New England Regional Conversation to Discuss National Collaboration on Criminal Justice Issues