FCC Moves to Cut Prison Phone Rates
FCC Moves to Cut Prison Phone Rates
Wrong Number: Overcharging Prisoners Is Not Good Public Policy
Editorial on Prison Phones in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
NAACP Passes Resolution on Prison Phone Rates
At the 104th National Conference last week, the NAACP passes resolution in support of FCC reform to prison phone rates.
Video: FCC Workshop on Reforming Inmate Calling Services Rates
Held July 10th, this video cover the Federal Communications Commission workshop on prison phone rates.
Advocates, Legislators, & Families Come Together in Washington D.C. .
It has been a decade since Martha Wright, a grandmother who led the campaign to reduce prison phone calls, first began the charge to change the prisoner telephone calling system in U.S prisons.
Live Blog: FCC Prison Phones Workshop
Steven Renderos from the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice providing live updates from the FCC's workshop on Prison Phones
Campaign for Prison Phone Justice Statement on FCC’S Prison Phone Calls Workshop
Some commissioners have vowed to ensure that the families that have been fighting for over a decade for prison phone justice have resolution this year. Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel told families today the following: "When a decision comes before me, I want to be able to vote it first, I want to be able to vote it fast."
Prison Phone Justice Advocates Will Head to Washington D.C. for FCC Workshop July 10th!
After a decade of high prison phone rates and the hardships they cause, Alex Friedmann, along with several other advocates, will lead a panel discussion of the problem and share a touching letter from a Washington State mother whose son is incarcerated in Alaska.
FCC Calls for Workshop on Phone Rates
On July 10th Answer the Call for #PhoneJustice and join us in D.C. and online.
Prisoners Respond to Call for Prison Phone Justice; SCI-Huntington Delivers!
Between July 2012 and June 2013, prisoners submitted or signed on to 1,754 letters or comments filed with the FCC regarding the Wright Petition!