The Letters Keep Coming
The Wright Petition conversation continues on the FCC's public docket
Virginians Applaud DOC Director Clarke for Supporting Fair Rates
VA's DOC Director asked the FCC to lower phone call costs and Virginians responded.
Join the Washington Prison Phone Justice Campaign!
HRDC is excited to launch the Washington Prison Phone Justice Campaign -- demanding an end to unjust costs of calls from WA prisons, jails and other detention facilities
Sign this Mothers Day Letter to the FCC
Join the Campaign for Prison Phone Justice, Free Press and Strong Families as we deliver a Mother's Day message to the FCC.
Support HB2401: Create Alternatives to Incarceration
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! HB2401 would allow Cook County to safely reduce the number of youth being incarcerated by providing youth with cost-effective interventions and resources within their community. HB2401 allows Cook to implement Redeploy Illinois is targeted areas of the county. HB2401 passed the House and needs your support in the Senate. Contact your state senator and ask them to VOTE YES for HB2401.
Support HB2404: Treat 17 Year Olds as Juveniles
√ CHECK. WE DID THIS! Illinois Needs to Join the Majority. Help Illinois join the 38 other states and the federal government in recognizing that 17 year olds are not adult criminals. Raise the age of juvenile court jurisdiction to include 17 year olds. HB2404 is good public policy because it (1) benefits public safety; (2) reduces long-term costs associated with criminal convictions; and (3) is consistent with adolescent development research. HB2404 passed the House on April 16, 2013 and needs your support in the Senate. Please contact your state senator and ask them to VOTE YES for HB2404.
Update: FCC Public Comments Period Over
“I understand the need for security, but there is no need for high (phone) rates to maintain that security.” – Charlie, prisoner in Iowa.
Washington Prisoners Petition FCC to Lower Interstate Costs
WA prisoners, families and advocates submitted comments to the FCC regarding the Wright Petition to cap the cost of interstate prison phone calls.