Community Restoration Campaign – On the Move
Last week we walked the halls and met with our individual district state legislators and/or legislative aides, expressing our support for the Community Restoration Campaign's criminal justice and prison reform focus legislation.
Virginia Campaign Gearing Up 2012
Resource Information Help for the Disadvantaged update on the Virginia campaign.
Case Update: Homeless Man on the Registry Fights His Incarceration
Post by Attorney Jean Maclean Snyder When sex offenders are released from prison, they face the intimidating task of complying with the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA). Now a federal trial court judge has issued a decision that offers hope for one of the difficulties with registration. John Saiger arrived in Chicago in March 2013 upon […]
2012 Proposed Legislation Focus
The Community Restoration Campaign is getting geared up for the coming legislation session. Get involved!
OC Inc. Spreads Word about Prison Phone Rates
Issues surrounding phone service to prisoners and other detainees were highlighted at a June 24 workshop at the 2011 Allied Media Conference in Detroit.
Michigan Families Phone Protest
Supporters of Michigan prisoners and families are organizing a protest in Lansing over the new phone rates.
Goldman Sachs, Your Daughter, and Prison Kickbacks
Imagine if this was how your daughter had to talk with you.
Prison Phone Contracts and Kickbacks
An exhaustive analysis of prison phone contracts nationwide has revealed that telephone service providers offer lucrative kickbacks.
SB1001: The bill strips ALL oversight of the Department of Corrections
Fighting for Justice From the Holler to the Hood
We have put a photo essay below that covers travels from the holler to the hood in Virginia -- and our prison nation.