
Commonwealth Conversations: Advocate for Criminal Justice Reform
Massachusetts State Senators are holding listening sessions across the state to hear from constituents and bring "Beacon Hill to you".
February Call to Action!
Come to the Youth Jobs Coalition and Jobs Not Jails for the Youth Jobs Rally on Thursday, February 19 at 11:00am!
Notes from January 2015 Jobs Not Jails Reconvening
In the afternoon of January 31, 2015, Jobs Not Jails gathered in Freedom House in Roxbury to create a vision statement, get a legislative update on their Justice Reinvestment bill and talk with We Are The Ones, which is a group that has emerged out of the recent Black Lives Matter movement.
Fair Sentencing for Minors Act of 2015
Despite being thirty-second in population, Arkansas holds more individuals sentenced to juvenile life without parole than just five other states.