
HB 723: Earned Sentence Credit (Drug Related Felonies Only)
Enclosed is HB723 currently being heard at the General Assembly, requiring public support. HB723 offers 7.5 days sentence credit for persons convicted of drug related felonies only.
Listed below are proposed legislation that RIHD and the CRC have been monitoring. Please be proactive in giving voice to these bills to both the sponsor and your district state legislators. For additional information, join us at the next mobile justice tour. Schedule attached
Mobile Justice Tour: Month of February
– A coalition of civil rights groups partnering for a 15-city tour of Virginia to raise awareness on and provide direct services for justice issues that affect people with criminal records. • Restoration of Civil & Voting Rights Application/Filing Assistance • Ban-the-Box Fairer Employment Application • Sentencing reforms to end mass incarceration in Virginia
HB 414 Support Prison Phone Justice
From our friends at SALT: Things are moving quickly in Virgina this legislative session. A vote will take place this Thursday on a prison phone justice bill.