Tag: family

My Diabetic Son Was Retaliated Against For Complaining About Insufficient Medical Care
A mother talks about her diabetic son’s treatment at the Terrell Unit in Rosharon, Texas. He complained about insufficient medical care and lack of access to safe food, and he was retaliated against. Audio Submission by, Anonymous Amended Transcription of Audio: He has been retaliated against. The guards, you know, have kind of put a […]
They’ve Got 300 Men In The Showers At One Time
Audio Submission By, Renee Dagley About Ricardo Peña III Amended Audio Transcription My fiance, he’s been incarcerated 12 years on a 30 year sentence. He’s a Coffield Unit in Tennessee Colony, Texas, and they’re not doing anything for the covid. They’re not social distancing. For shower-time, they’ve got three hundred men in a shower at […]
They Are Not Toss Away People
Audio Submission by, Derek Johnson Amended Transcription of Audio: My name is Derek Johnson. I am originally from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I’m an educator. My brother’s name is Julian Johnson, and he’s incarcerated in a prison facility in Jessup, Maryland. He was incarcerated at the age of 16. He’s now 39 years old. […]
It really hurt our family
A sister describes her experience taking care of her incarcerated brother's teenage son, and her own young child, while only 24 years old. Years later the experience of being separated and divided by the high-cost of prison phone calls still impacts their family.