Demand Environmental Justice for Millions in Prison
Summary of pending HRDC comment to the EPA on the inclusion of prisoner populations in environmental justice demographic statistics and regulatory input for permitting
Two Arkansas incarcerated citizens deaths
Two Arkansas Department of Correction prisoners died of "natural causes" in April, a prison spokesman said Monday, after an Arkansas Democrat-Gazette inquiry was made because no prison death notifications had been received since March 16.
In the Year 2050…
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed … No Longer Blue about the Criminal Justice System in 2050
Rehabilitation Instead of Punishment
As families with incarcerated loved ones, we envision a system that humanely treats them when they are separated from us, and helps them prepare for coming home to us.
Two Arkansas incarcerated citizens deaths
A familiar message heard since the 1990’s by family and friends of Arkansas incarcerated citizens. Some may remember the old voice message of MCI and the all too familiar voice message of Global Tel link. The next voice message to be heard will be coming from Securus Technologies. Although the voice message will change in the next month or so... the tone still digs deep into the pocket book of the family and friends who press “0” to accept a call.
This Call Is Coming From an Arkansas Correctional Facility
A familiar message heard since the 1990’s by family and friends of Arkansas incarcerated citizens. Some may remember the old voice message of MCI and the all too familiar voice message of Global Tel link. The next voice message to be heard will be coming from Securus Technologies. Although the voice message will change in the next month or so... the tone still digs deep into the pocket book of the family and friends who press “0” to accept a call.
“Kick the Kickbacks” Screened in Chicago
The premier of our video "Kick the Kickbacks" in Chicago.