The Injustice of Five Years of Unfair Jury Trials In VA Remains Uncorrected
Help R.I.H.D., Inc. to correct all unfair jury trials in Virginia.
The Mobile Justice Tour is Back!—Virginia
The Mobile Justice Tour (MJT) in Virginia is embarking on their 3rd fifteen-city tour calling for the overhaul of Virginia's Justice System, restoring civil and voting rights and for state-wide fair-hiring application policies for persons with a criminal record.
Blog Entry – R. Williford
R. Williford sent in some of his earlier writings and wanted us to share them with you. Here's one from 2010 -- sad that it still applies today.
Response to “Challenge”
A response to the "challenge" in the latest Ar CURE newsletter...from James R.
Design and Violence: Thomson Correctional Center
Check out this post by Raphael Sperry, president of Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility, on the violence inherent in the design of Thomson Correctional Center See it here: Thomson’s planned conversion into a Federal supermaximum security prison raises the prospect of extended solitary confinement for hundreds of men, as at the infamous ADX Florence. There, the response […]
FCC Workshop on Further Reform of Inmate Calling Services
On July 9, 2014, Paul Wright and Alex Friedmann from the Human Rights Defense Center/Prison Legal News provided testimony to the FCC regarding the lowering of intrastate (in -state) prison phone rates.  Please click the attached video to view the entire broadcast.
No Reason to Take Advantage of Families
Families with members in the prison system are already struggling. Having the phone company join into a partnership with prisons to take advantage of them is wrong. I was in prison twice between 2003 and 2008. I limited phone calls home to once a week and only one 20 minute call because the calls cost […]