Tag: covid-19

State Repression, Criminalizing Dissent and COVID-19 Exposure in Bradford County Jail
Interview with Dami Feral, of the COVID-19 Hotline for Incarcerated People, who was arrested at December 6 FSP Noise Demo #ForKarenSmith Tell me about the demonstration and why you were there? The purpose of the demonstration was to bring attention to the dangerous and inhumane conditions in Florida jails, prisons, and detention centers. Nearly a […]
COVID-19 Outbreaks In A Virginia Shadow Prison
Marylin McCarty and Kirsten Darby of the Just Future Project in Virginia discuss the injustice of the process of Civil Commitment of people who committed sex offenses after they’ve served the length of their sentences. McCarty and Darby talk about the inhumane conditions in Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (VCBR), especially during Covid-19. Transcription of […]
COVID Clemency Call to Action on February 1st “Freedom Day”
[UPDATES: Check out the Feb 1st COVID Clemency Caravan and Day of Action organizing and media kit to start plugging in; use the event page in this link to invite your network and communicate with others. Can’t make it to DC? Check out this call for decentralized actions] ————————————————————- As a new administration enters the White […]
Prison Guards Aren’t Wearing PPE, And They Aren’t Held Accountable
A schoolteacher in Texas talks about her fiancee’s experience inside the Darrington Unit in Rosharon, Texas during the pandemic. She discusses how he was treated when he got COVID-19 and the lack of COVID safety among guards. Audio Submission by, Anonymous Amended Transcription of Audio: My fiancee is at the Darrington Unit in Rosharon, Texas. […]
His Whole Unit Was Infected
An inmate’s fiance talks about conditions in Nebraska State Penitentiary and where he’s located now – Tecumseh State Correctional. She says he’s afraid he’ll get COVID, given his age (60) and high blood pressure and the explosion of COVID cases in his former and current facilities. Audio Submission By, Anonymous Amended Transcription of Audio: My […]
They Have No Escape
A mother worries about her son, who’s been incarcerated in Iowa for 21 years, after the men in the cell next to him get COVID-19. She voices concerns about the lack of sanitation and nutritious food, but she’s afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation from the system. Submission By, Anonymous Mother Amended Transcription […]
My Old Celly: His Covid Case, Tennessee Prisons, And The System At Large
Paul Tardie of the Inside Books Project and author of Inside: Dissecting a County Jail, talks about his old cellmate’s experience in Turner Trousdale Correctional throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Tardie talks about his friend’s long-term health impacts from COVID and how the system at large needs to change. Audio Submission By, Paul Tardie Amended Transcript […]
They’ve Got 300 Men In The Showers At One Time
Audio Submission By, Renee Dagley About Ricardo Peña III Amended Audio Transcription My fiance, he’s been incarcerated 12 years on a 30 year sentence. He’s a Coffield Unit in Tennessee Colony, Texas, and they’re not doing anything for the covid. They’re not social distancing. For shower-time, they’ve got three hundred men in a shower at […]
They Are Not Toss Away People
Audio Submission by, Derek Johnson Amended Transcription of Audio: My name is Derek Johnson. I am originally from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I’m an educator. My brother’s name is Julian Johnson, and he’s incarcerated in a prison facility in Jessup, Maryland. He was incarcerated at the age of 16. He’s now 39 years old. […]
My Incarcerated Friend, Dead From COVID-19
Submission by, Advocate for Incarcerated in South Carolina Amended Transcription of Audio: Hi, I live in South Carolina. I am an advocate for the incarcerated. I’m concerned about the prison conditions and the way the COVID has been handled. Several individuals, especially the elderly, has passed away due to the COVID. I had a dear […]